Geographical details

Jind City is situated about 125 km. from Delhi, the capital of India. The area of the Jind district is 3,606 square kilometers. The city is on the Delhi-Ferozpur rail route. It is situated in the middle of Haryana The district lies in the North of Haryana between 29.03’ and 29.51’ North latitude & 75.53’ and 76.47’ East longitude. On its East and North-East lie the districts of Panipat, Karnal and Kaithal respectively. Its boundary line on the North forms the inter-state Haryana- Punjab border with Patiala and Sangurar districts of Punjab. In the West and South-West it has a common boundary with district Hisar & Fatehabad and in its South and South-East lies the district of Rohtak and Sonipat respectively.

The nearest airport is at New Delhi. Jind Junction Railway Station is a prominent railhead of Haryana. National Highway 71 passes through Jind.